Volunteer Position Description
Alternate IMSA Representative
The Alternate Representative assumes the IMSA Representative’s duties when the Representative is unavailable or otherwise incapacitated. The IMSA Representative is responsible for representing IMSA to other associations and government agencies that have similar interests. The IMSA representative speaks on behalf of the Association and its members and reports to the Board of Directors through the Executive Director.
Specific Responsibilities:
• Submit a budget for the upcoming fiscal year to the Executive Director in the time frame requested. The budget is for any expenditure of funds necessary to carry out the duties of the Representative. Generally, this will include any travel expenses, membership dues, office supplies, etc.
• Representatives should make reasonable effort to attend meetings of the organization, participate in discussions in-person or virtually, cooperate fully with that organization and report to the Association such activities of the organization to which they are assigned that may be of interest and benefit to the Association.
• Submit a mid-winter and annual report to the Board, through the Executive Director, and any other reports requested by the IMSA Executive Director or Board. Such reports shall be submitted to the IMSA Executive Director in electronic format. Reports shall be a summary of relevant accomplishments, meetings attended and other pertinent information for the board. If there has been no activity, a report should still be submitted with a brief explanation of the reason for inactivity. The report should be submitted two weeks prior to the start of the board meeting.
• Virtual participation required for mid-winter meetings on an as needed basis.
• Submit to the President through the Executive Director any recommendations, or other items, that require action by the Board. This should be done at least 30 days prior to the next Board meeting.
• Alert the Board, through the Executive Director, of any emergent issues that may be of interest or concern to the IMSA regarding the organization to which they are assigned.
Qualifications / Expectations:
• Be an Active, Public Agency or Life Member of the Association.
• Notify the President of their acceptance or refusal of the appointment within thirty (30) days of appointment.
• Each Representative shall conduct themselves in such a manner as to bring recognition, respect, prestige, and status to the Association.
• Shall abide by IMSA Code of Conduct.
• Shall not leverage their position for personal financial or political gain.
• Virtual participation required for mid-winter and annual meeting on an as needed basis
Association Support:
• Zoom
• IMSA will reimburse the volunteer for approved expenses, including travel,per diem, lodging and conference registration in accordance with the IMSA Travel Policy.
Term of Service/Time Commitment:
• Serves from the time he/she accepts an appointment until the time a new appointment is made, or a reappointment is accepted. Serving a maximum of three years.
Association Staff and/or Board Liaison:
• Executive Director
• Financial Specialist
Auditing Committee Chair
Responsible for representing and leading the Auditing committee in assisting the International Board of Directors in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities with respect to the financial reporting process, the system of internal controls, and the audit/review process.
• Select and provide a list of committee members to the Volunteer Services/Section Relations Coordinator.
• Create agendas for meetings or conference calls, and conduct any business or meetings of the Committee. Meeting notes and action items shall be recorded for subsequent meetings and future reports.
• Ensure the review or audit is completed within three months of the end of each fiscal year. Review with Management and the independent auditors the annual financial statement, the annual audit/review report, and the result of the audit to determine whether to accept the audit/review. The report from the Committee will be sent to all members of the Board immediately after completion of the review or audit.
• Review significant findings and recommendations made by the independent auditors with Management and the Board of Directors on a timely basis.
• Review the outside auditors’ qualifications, independence, and performance.
• In conjunction with the Executive Director, consider the effectiveness of the Association’s internal control system, including information technology security and control, to ensure the most efficient operation of the Association and compliance with generally accepted accounting procedures for non-profit organizations.
• Responsible for submitting a written report to the IMSA Board of Directors one week prior to the mid-winter meeting. If the Auditing Committee meets additionally during the year the committee is required to submit a written report two weeks after their committee meeting.
• Virtual participation is required for the mid-winter Board Meeting in which the financial statements are presented to the Board on an as needed basis.
• Submit to the President any recommendations, or other items, that require action by the board. This should be done at least 30 days prior to the next Board meeting.
• Review Investment and Reserve Policies and targets every two years or sooner as needed.
• Review requests from the Executive Director for draws upon the Investment Reserves along with plans for replenishment and monitor progress to restore the fund to target minimum if required.
• Be an Active, Public Agency or Life Member of the Association.
• Have at least three years’ experience in some leadership capacity, demonstrating strong organizational and communication skills.
• Be proficient with electronic communications and the use of web based media.
• Possess the ability to meet deadlines, and recognize the importance of being responsive to the needs of the Association.
• Be able to dedicate the time required to meet the responsibilities of this position.
• Notify the President of their acceptance or refusal of the appointment within thirty (30) days of appointment.
• If satisfactory progress and/or results are not being made by a committee, the President is empowered to remove the Chair of the Committee and appoint another Chair, with the approval of a majority of the Board.
• Each Committee Chair shall conduct themselves and the work of their Committee in such a manner as to bring respect, prestige and status to the Association.
• Abide by IMSA Code of Conduct.
• Shall not leverage their position for personal financial or political gain
Term of Service/Time Commitment:
• One year
• Nov 1st – Oct 31st
• The Auditing Committee shall meet at least once annually.
• If a change in the auditors is considered, the committee will be required to meet to review qualifications of the auditors and approve the change.
Association Staff and/or Board Liaison:
• Executive Director
• Financial Specialist
Auditing Committee General Member
Responsible for assisting the International Board of Directors in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities with respect to the financial reporting process, the system of internal controls, and the audit/review process.
• Attend and participate in all meetings or conference calls.
• Ensure the review or audit is completed within three months of the end of each fiscal year. Review with Management and the independent auditors the annual financial statement, the annual audit/review report, and the result of the audit to determine whether to accept the audit/review. The report from the committee will be sent to all members of the Board immediately after completion of the review or audit.
• Review significant findings and recommendations made by the independent auditors with Management and the Board of Directors on a timely basis.
• Review the outside auditors’ qualifications, independence, and performance.
• Review Investment and Reserve Policies and targets every two years or sooner as needed.
• Review requests from the Executive Director for draws upon the Investment Reserves along with plans for replenishment and monitor progress to restore the fund to target minimum if required.
• Be an Active, Public Agency or Life Member of the Association.
• Have at least three years’ experience in some leadership capacity, demonstrating strong organizational and communication skills.
• Be proficient with electronic communications and the use of web based media.
• Possess the ability to meet deadlines, and recognize the importance of being responsive to the needs of the Association.
• Be able to dedicate the time required to meet the responsibilities of this position.
• Notify the President of their acceptance or refusal of the appointment within thirty (30) days of appointment.
• Shall conduct themselves and the work of their committee in such a manner as to bring respect, prestige and status to the Association.
• Abide by IMSA Code of Conduct.
• Shall not leverage their position for personal financial or political gain.
Term of Service/Time Commitment:
• Two years
• Nov 1st – Oct 31st
• The Auditing Committee shall meet at least once annually.
• If a change in the auditors is considered, the committee will be required to meet to review qualifications of the auditors and approve the change.
Association Staff and/or Board Liaison:
• Executive Director
• Financial Specialist
Awards Committee Chair
Responsible for leading the Awards Committee in assisting the Board President and the Executive Director with the selection of all IMSA award recipients.
Specific Responsibilities:
• Select committee members as deemed necessary and provide a list of committee members to the Volunteer Services/Section Relations Coordinator.
•Create agendas for meetings or conference calls, and conduct any business or meetings of the Committee. Meeting notes and action items shall be recorded for subsequent meeting and future reports.
•Facilitate the award review and selection process for the Outstanding Certification, Outstanding Member of Governance, Sustaining Member, Outstanding Secretary, Section Award, Special Award, President’s Award and Outstanding Volunteer Award.
•Assist with promoting the IMSA awards among the Association membership.
•Submit a mid-winter report to the Board, through the Executive Director, and any other reports requested by the IMSA Executive Director or Board. Such reports shall be submitted to the IMSA Executive Director in electronic format.Reports shall be a summary of relevant committee accomplishments, meetings conducted and other pertinent information for the board. If there has been no activity within the committee, a report should still be submitted with a brief explanation of the reason for inactivity. The report should be submitted two weeks prior to the start of the board meeting.
•Virtual participation required for mid-winter meeting on an as needed basis
•Submit to the President any recommendations, or other items, that require action by the board. This should be done at least 30 days prior to the next Board meeting.
Qualifications / Expectations:
•Be an Active, Public Agency or Life Member of the Association.
•Have at least three – five years of experience in the field associated with the committee’s mission.
•Have at least three years’ experience in some leadership capacity,demonstrating strong organizational and communication skills.
•Be proficient with electronic communications and the use of web based media.
•Possess the ability to meet deadlines, and recognize the importance of being responsive to the needs of the Association.
•Be able to dedicate the time required to meet the responsibilities of this position.
•Notify the President of their acceptance or refusal of the appointment within thirty (30) days of appointment.
•If satisfactory progress and/or results are not being made by a committee,the President is empowered to remove the Chair of the Committee and appoint another Chair, with the approval of a majority of the Board.
•Each Committee Chair shall conduct themselves and the work of their Committee in such a manner as to bring respect, prestige and status to the Association.
•Abide by IMSA Code of Conduct.
•Shall not leverage their position for personal financial or political gain.
Term of Service/Time Commitment:
• One year
•Nov 1st – Oct 31st
•The committee meets virtually twice a year to select the award recipients and meets prior to the Annual Forum and Expo.
Association Staff and/or Board Liaison:
•President of the Board of Directors
•Certification Manager
Awards Committee General Member
Responsible for reviewing all award submissions and assisting with the selection of IMSA award recipients.
Specific Responsibilities:
• Participate in the award review and selection process for the Outstanding Certification, Outstanding Member of Governance, Sustaining Member, Outstanding Secretary, Section Award, Special Award, President’s Award and Outstanding Volunteer Award.
• Assist with promoting the IMSA awards among the Association membership.
• Attend all Awards Committee meetings.
• Actively participate on all Awards Committee meetings.
Qualifications / Expectations:
• Be an Active, Public Agency or Life Member of the Association.
• Have at least three – five years of experience in the field associated with the committee’s mission.
• Have at least three years’ experience in some leadership capacity, demonstrating strong organizational and communication skills.
• Be proficient with electronic communications and the use of web based media.
• Possess the ability to meet deadlines, and recognize the importance of being responsive to the needs of the Association.
• Be able to dedicate the time required to meet the responsibilities of this position.
• Notify the President of their acceptance or refusal of the appointment within thirty (30) days of appointment.
• Shall conduct themselves and the work of their committee in such a manner as to bring respect, prestige and status to the Association.
• Abide by IMSA Code of Conduct.
• Shall not leverage their position for personal financial or political gain.
Term of Service/Time Commitment:
• One year
•Nov 1st – Oct 31st
•The committee meets virtually twice a year to select the award recipients and meets prior to the Annual Forum and Expo.
Association Staff and/or Board Liaison:
•President of the Board of Directors
•Certification Manager
ByLaws & Resolutions Committee Chair
Responsible for representing and leading the committee in the review process for any amendments to the IMSA By-Laws and any recommendations made for actions to be taken by the International Board of Directors and Council of Delegates.
Specific Responsibilities:
• Select and provide a list of committee members to the Volunteer Services/Section Relations Coordinator.
•Create agendas for meetings or conference calls, and conduct any business or meetings of the Committee. Meeting notes and action items shall be recorded for subsequent meeting and future reports.
•Facilitate the review process of the submitted amendment proposals from active members and Sections from the Association.
•Submit recommendations to the International Board of Directors and Council of Delegates regarding actions to be taken.
•Submit to the Board of Directors and Council of Delegates in advance any approved amendments related to the Association policy, rules of procedure, control, or continuation of any general action of the Board, Council of Delegates, Officers or Committees.
•Consult with the IMSA legal counsel with reference to any legal or technical questions the Committee may be confronted with in its deliberations.
•Serve as a resource to the IMSA Sections to assist with Section By-Laws review if needed to ensure compliance with international requirements.
•Submit a mid-winter and annual report to the Board, through the Executive Director, and any other reports requested by the IMSA Executive Director or Board. Such reports shall be submitted to the IMSA Executive Director in electronic format. Reports shall be a summary of relevant committee accomplishments, meetings conducted and other pertinent information for the board. If there has been no activity within the committee, a report should still be submitted with a brief explanation of the reason for inactivity. These reports should be submitted two weeks prior to the start of each board meeting.
•Virtual participation required for mid-winter and the annual meeting on an as needed basis.
•Submit to the Board of Directors President any recommendations, or other items, that require action by the board. This should be done at least 30 days prior to the next Board meeting.
Qualifications / Expectations:
•Be an Active, Public Agency or Life Member of the Association.
•Have at least three -five years of experience in the field associated with the committee’s mission.
•Have at least three years’ experience in some leadership capacity,demonstrating strong organizational and communication skills.
•Be proficient with electronic communications and the use of web based media.
•Possess the ability to meet deadlines, and recognize the importance of being responsive to the needs of the Association.
•Be able to dedicate the time required to meet the responsibilities of this position.
•Notify the President of their acceptance or refusal of the appointment within thirty (30) days of appointment.
•If satisfactory progress and/or results are not being made by a committee,the President is empowered to remove the Chair of the Committee and appoint another Chair, with the approval of a majority of the Board.
•Each Committee Chairperson shall conduct themselves and the work of their Committee in such a manner as to bring respect, prestige and status to the Association.
•Abide by IMSA Code of Conduct.
•Shall not leverage their position for personal financial or political gain.
Association Support:
Term of Service/Time Commitment:
• One year
•Nov 1st – Oct 31st
•The committee would meet virtually on an as needed basis.
Association Staff and/or Board Liaison:
•Executive Director
ByLaws & Resolutions Committee General Member
Responsible for assisting with the review process for any amendments to the IMSA By-Laws and any recommendations made for actions to be taken by the International Board of Directors and Council of Delegates.
Specific Responsibilities:
• Attend all committee meetings and/or calls.
• Participate in the review process of the submitted amendment proposals from active members and Sections from the Association.
• Assist with developing recommendations to be submitted to the International Board of Directors and Council of Delegates regarding actions to be taken.
• Serve as a resource to the IMSA Sections to assist with Section By-Laws review if needed to ensure compliance with international requirements.
• Provide feedback to the Chair regarding pertinent information to be included in the mid-winter and annual report that is submitted to the Board. Reports shall be a summary of relevant committee accomplishments, meetings conducted and other pertinent information for the board. If there has been no activity within the committee, a report should still be submitted with a brief explanation of the reason for inactivity. These reports should be submitted two weeks prior to the start of each board meeting.
• Virtual participation required for mid-winter and the annual meeting on an as needed basis.
• Work with the Chair to submit any recommendations, or other items, that require action by the board. This should be done at least 30 days prior to the next Board meeting.
Qualifications / Expectations:
• Be an Active, Public Agency or Life Member of the Association.
• Have at least three years’ experience in some leadership capacity, demonstrating strong organizational and communication skills.
• Be proficient with electronic communications and the use of web based media.
• Possess the ability to meet deadlines, and recognize the importance of being responsive to the needs of the Association.
• Be able to dedicate the time required to meet the responsibilities of this position.
• Notify the President of their acceptance or refusal of the appointment within thirty (30) days of appointment.
• Shall conduct themselves and the work of their committee in such a manner as to bring respect, prestige and status to the Association.
• Abide by IMSA Code of Conduct.
• Shall not leverage their position for personal financial or political gain.
Association Support:
• Zoom
Term of Service/Time Commitment:
• One year
• Nov 1st – Oct 31st
• The committee would meet virtually on an as needed basis.
Association Staff and/or Board Liaison:
• Executive Director
Cable Committee Chair
Responsible for representing and leading the committee in the review of the IMSA Cable and Wire Specifications for the purpose of recommending revisions, additions and/or deletions to the IMSA Cable and Wire Specifications.
Specific Responsibilities:
•Provide a list of committee members to the Volunteer Services/Section Relations Coordinator.
•Submit a budget for the upcoming fiscal year to the IMSA Executive Director, in advance, for any expenditure of funds necessary to carry out the duties and assignments of the Committee. Budget is for any expenditure of funds necessary to carry out the duties and assignments of the Committee. This would generally include any travel expenses, consulting fee, meeting supplies, etc.
•Create agendas for meetings or conference calls, and conduct any business or meetings of the Committee. Meeting notes and action items shall be recorded for subsequent meeting and future reports.
•Research current cable and wire standards.
•Facilitate discussions around current cable standards and determine if the IMSA Cable committee is still relevant to the mission and vision of the Association and the industry.
•Submit a mid-winter and annual report to the Board, through the Executive Director, and any other reports requested by the IMSA Executive Director or Board. Such reports shall be submitted to the IMSA Executive Director in
•electronic format. Reports shall be a summary of relevant committee accomplishments, meetings conducted and other pertinent information for the board. If there has been no activity within the committee, a report should still be submitted with a brief explanation of the reason for inactivity. These reports should be submitted two weeks prior to the start of each board meeting.
•Virtual participation required for mid-winter and the annual meeting on an as needed basis.
•Submit to the President any recommendations, or other items, that require action by the board. This should be done at least 30 days prior to the next Board meeting.
Qualifications / Expectations:
•Be an Active, Public Agency or Life Member of the Association.
•Have at least three – five years of experience in the field associated with the committee’s mission.
•Have at least three years’ experience in some leadership capacity,demonstrating strong organizational and communication skills.
•Be proficient with electronic communications and the use of web based media.
•Possess the ability to meet deadlines, and recognize the importance of being responsive to the needs of the Association.
•Be able to dedicate the time required to meet the responsibilities of this position.
•Notify the President of their acceptance or refusal of the appointment within thirty (30) days of appointment.
•If satisfactory progress and/or results are not being made by a committee,the President is empowered to remove the Chair of the Committee and appoint another Chair, with the approval of a majority of the Board.
•Each Committee Chair shall conduct themselves and the work of their Committee in such a manner as to bring respect, prestige and status to the Association.
•Abide by IMSA Code of Conduct.
•Shall not leverage their position for personal financial or political gain.
Association Support:
Term of Service/Time Commitment:
• One year
•Nov 1st – Oct 31st
•Will meet on an as needed basis to research current cable and wire standards and determine if the IMSA Cable Committee is still relevant to the mission and vision of the Association and the Industry.
Association Staff and/or Board Liaison:
•Executive Director
•Board of Directors President
Cable Committee General Member
Responsible for reviewing the IMSA Cable and Wire Specifications for the purpose of recommending revisions, additions and/or deletions to the IMSA Cable and Wire Specifications.
Specific Responsibilities:
• Research current cable and wire standards.
• Participate in discussions around current cable standards and determine if the IMSA Cable committee is still relevant to the mission and vision of the Association and the industry.
• Assist the Chair with drafting a mid-winter and annual report to be submitted to the Board, through the Executive Director, and any other reports requested by the IMSA Executive Director or Board.
• Virtual participation required for mid-winter and the annual meeting on an as needed basis.
• Submit to the President any recommendations, or other items, that require action by the board. This should be done at least 30 days prior to the next Board meeting.
Qualifications / Expectations:
•Be an Active, Public Agency or Life Member of the Association.
• Have at least three – five years of experience in the field associated with the committee’s mission.
• Be proficient with electronic communications and the use of web based media.
• Possess the ability to meet deadlines, and recognize the importance of being responsive to the needs of the Association.
• Be able to dedicate the time required to meet the responsibilities of this position.
• Notify the President of their acceptance or refusal of the appointment within thirty (30) days of appointment.
• Shall conduct themselves and the work of their committee in such a manner as to bring respect, prestige and status to the Association.
• Abide by IMSA Code of Conduct.
• Shall not leverage their position for personal financial or political gain.
Association Support:
• Zoom
Term of Service/Time Commitment:
• Two years
•Nov 1st – Oct 31st
•Will meet on an as needed basis to research current cable and wire standards and determine if the IMSA Cable Committee is still relevant to the mission and vision of the Association and the Industry.
Association Staff and/or Board Liaison:
•Executive Director
•Board of Directors President
Council of Delegates Committee Chair
Responsible for Chairing the Council of Delegates and representing the IMSA COD members on the international level.
Specific Responsibilities:
•In collaboration with the Council of Delegates, selects a Chair-Elect. and provides a list of potential IMSA committee members to the Volunteer Services/Section Relations Coordinator.
•Work with the COD members and International Office to develop a strategic plan.
•Facilitate the COD election of the Directors At Large on the International Board of Directors at the Annual Forum and Expo.
•Submit a budget for the upcoming fiscal year to the IMSA Executive Director, in advance, for any expenditure of funds necessary to carry out the duties and assignments of the Committee. Budget is for any expenditure of funds necessary to carry out the duties and assignments of the Committee. This would generally include any travel expenses, consulting fee, meeting supplies, etc.
•Create agendas for meetings or conference calls, and conduct any business or meetings of the Committee. Meeting notes and action items shall be recorded for subsequent meetings and future reports.
•Submit a mid-winter and annual report to the Board, through the Executive Director, and any other reports requested by the IMSA Executive Director or Board. Such reports shall be submitted to the IMSA Executive Director in electronic format. Reports shall be a summary of relevant committee accomplishments, meetings conducted and other pertinent information for the board. If there has been no activity within the committee, a report should still be submitted with a brief explanation of the reason for inactivity These reports should be submitted two weeks prior to the start of each board meeting.
•Virtual or in person participation required for mid-winter and annual meetings on an as needed basis.
•Submit to the President any recommendations, or other items, that require action by the board. This should be done at least 30 days prior to the next Board meeting.
Qualifications / Expectations:
•Be an Active, Public Agency or Life Member of the Association.
•Have at least three years’ experience in some leadership capacity, demonstrating strong organizational and communication skills.
•Be proficient with electronic communications and the use of web based media.
•Possess the ability to meet deadlines, and recognize the importance of being responsive to the needs of the Association.
•Be able to dedicate the time required to meet the responsibilities of this position.
•Notify the Board of Directors President of their acceptance or refusal of the nomination. The Council Chair shall conduct themselves and the work of their Committee in such a manner as to bring respect, prestige and status to the Association.
•Abide by IMSA Code of Conduct.
•Shall not leverage their position for personal financial or political gain.
Association Support:
•E-blast and electronic communications to the listed Section Delegates and Alternate Delegates.
Term of Service/Time Commitment:
• The Council of Delegates Chair is nominated and elected at the Annual Forum and Expo.
•One year upon succession.
•The Council of Delegates is required to meet once a year. Additional meetings may be held on an as needed basis.
Association Staff and/or Board Liaison:
•Executive Director
•Board of Directors President
Council of Delegates Vice Chair
Responsible for assisting and supporting the Council of Delegates Chair and
representing the IMSA COD members on the international level
Specific Responsibilities:
• In collaboration with the COD Chair works with the COD members and International Office to develop a strategic plan.
• Co-facilitates the COD election of the Directors At-Large on the International Board of Directors at the Annual Forum and Expo.
• Works with the COD Chair to submit a budget for the upcoming fiscal year to the IMSA Executive Director, in advance, for any expenditure of funds necessary to carry out the duties and assignments of the Committee. Budget is for any expenditure of funds necessary to carry out the duties and assignments of the Committee. This would generally include any travel expenses, consulting fee, meeting supplies, etc.
• Create agendas for meetings or conference calls, and conduct any business or meetings of the committee in the absence of the Chair.
Meeting notes and action items shall be recorded for subsequent meetings and future reports.
• Work with the COD Chair to submit a mid-winter and annual report to the Board, through the Executive Director, and any other reports requested by the IMSA Executive Director or Board. Such reports shall be submitted to the IMSA Executive Director in electronic format. Reports shall be a summary of relevant committee accomplishments, meetings conducted and other pertinent information for the board. If there has been no activity within the committee, a report should still be submitted with a brief explanation of the reason for inactivity These reports should be submitted two weeks prior to the start of each board meeting.
• Virtual or in person participation required for mid-winter and annual meetings on an as needed basis.
• In collaboration with the COD Chair, submit to the Board President any recommendations, or other items, that require action by the board. This should be done at least 30 days prior to the next Board meeting.
Qualifications / Expectations:
• Be an Active, Public Agency or Life Member of the Association.
• Must be a current Delegate or Alternate Delegate on the Council of Delegates.
• Have at least three years’ experience in some leadership capacity, demonstrating strong organizational and communication skills.
• Be proficient with electronic communications and the use of web based media.
• Possess the ability to meet deadlines, and recognize the importance of being responsive to the needs of the Association.
• Be able to dedicate the time required to meet the responsibilities of this position.
• Notify the Board of Directors President of their acceptance or refusal of the nomination. The Vice Chair shall conduct themselves and the work of their committee in such a manner as to bring respect, prestige and status to the Association.
• Abide by IMSA Code of Conduct.
• Shall not leverage their position for personal financial or political gain
Association Support:
• Zoom
• E-blast and electronic communications to the listed Section Delegates and Alternate Delegates.
Term of Service/Time Commitment:
• The Council of Delegates Vice Chair is nominated and elected at the Annual Forum and Expo.
• One year upon succession.
• The Council of Delegates is required to meet once a year. Additional meetings may be held on an as needed basis.
Association Staff and/or Board Liaison:
•Executive Director
•Board of Directors President
IMSA Representative
The IMSA Representativesis responsible for representing IMSAtoother associations and government agencies that have similar interests. The IMSA representative speaks on behalf of the Association and its members and reports to the Board of Directorsthrough the Executive Director.
Specific Responsibilities:
•Submit a budget for the upcoming fiscal year to the ExecutiveDirector in the time frame requested. The budget is for any expenditureof funds necessary to carry out the duties of the Representative. Generally, this will include any travel expenses, membership dues, office supplies, etc.
•Representatives should make reasonable effort to attend meetings of the organization, participate in discussionsin-person or virtually,cooperate fully with that organization and report to the Association such activities of the organizationto which they are assigned that may be of interest and benefitto the Association.
•Submit a mid-winter and annual report to the Board, through the Executive Director,and any other reports requested by the IMSA Executive Director or Board. Such reports shall be submitted to the IMSA Executive Director inelectronic format.Reports shall be a summary of relevant accomplishments, meetings attended and other pertinent information for the board. If there has been no activity, a report should still be submitted with a brief explanation of the reason for inactivity. The report should be submitted two weeks prior to the start of the board meeting.
•Virtual participation required for mid-winter meetingson an as needed basis.
•Submit to the Presidentthrough the Executive Director any recommendations, or other items, that require action by the Board. This should be done at least 30 days prior to the next Board meeting.•Alert the Board, through the Executive Director, of any emergent issues that may be of interest or concernto the IMSA regardingthe organization to which they are assigned.
Qualifications / Expectations:
•Be an Active, Public Agency or Life Member of the Association.
•Notify the President of their acceptance or refusal of the appointmentwithin thirty (30) days of appointment.
•Each Representative shall conduct themselvesin such a manner as to bring recognition, respect, prestige, and status to the Association.
•Shall abide by IMSA Code of Conduct.
•Shall not leverage their position for personal financial or political gain.
Association Support:
•IMSA will reimburse the volunteer for approved expenses, including travel, per diem, lodging and conference registration in accordance with the IMSA Travel Policy.
Term of Service/Time Commitment:
• Serves from the time he/she accepts an appointment until the time a new appointment is made, or a reappointment is accepted. Serving a maximum of three years.
Association Staff and/or Board Liaison:
•Executive Director
•Board of Directors President
Nominating Committee Chair
Responsible for representing and leading the committee in screening all eligible candidates who will serve on the International Board of Directors.
Specific Responsibilities:
•Provide a list of committee members to the Volunteer Services/Section Relations Coordinator.
•Submit a budget for the upcoming fiscal year to the IMSA Executive Director, in advance, for any expenditure of funds necessary to carry out the duties and assignments of the Committee. Budget is for any expenditure of funds necessary to carry out the duties and assignments of the Committee. This would generally include any travel expenses, consulting fee, meeting supplies, etc.
•Create agendas for meetings or conference calls, and conduct any business or meetings of the Committee. Meeting notes and action items shall be recorded for subsequent meeting and future reports.
•Facilitate the screening process for all eligible candidates who will serve on the Board of Directors.
•Submit the list of Board of Director nominees for election to the Executive Director in accordance with the timeline listed in the GPM.
•Assist in the hiring process of the Executive Director as outlined in the Association’s Succession Planning Policy.
•Submit to the President any recommendations, or other items, that require action by the board. This should be done at least 30 days prior to the next Board meeting.
•Virtual participation at the mid-winter and annual board meeting on an as needed basis.
Qualifications / Expectations:
•Be an Active, Public Agency or Life Member of the Association.
•Must be a Past IMSA International President of the Board of Directors.
•Have at least three years’ experience in some leadership capacity,demonstrating strong organizational and communication skills.
•Be proficient with electronic communications and the use of web based media.
•Possess the ability to meet deadlines, and recognize the importance of being responsive to the needs of the Association.
•Be able to dedicate the time required to meet the responsibilities of this position.
•Notify the President of their acceptance or refusal of the appointment within thirty (30) days of appointment.
•If satisfactory progress and/or results are not being made by a committee,the President is empowered to remove the Chair of the Committee and appoint another Chair, with the approval of a majority of the Board.
•Each Committee Chair shall conduct themselves and the work of their Committee in such a manner as to bring respect, prestige and status to the Association.
•Abide by IMSA Code of Conduct.
•Shall not leverage their position for personal financial or political gain.
Association Support:
Term of Service/Time Commitment:
•One year
•Nov 1st – Oct 31st
•Will meet in person the night before the Annual Council of Delegates Meeting at the Annual Forum and Expo.
•Meets virtually six months prior to the Annual Council of Delegates Meeting.
Association Staff and/or Board Liaison:
•Executive Director
•Board of Directors President
Public Safety Coordination Associates Chair
Chairs the Public Safety Coordination Associates (PSCA) Board of Directors.
Specific Responsibilities:
Serves as principal executive officer of the PSCA, a non-stock, non-profit corporation under Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue code.
•Supervises and has charge of all the affairs of the PSCA corporation, pursuant to the direction of the Board of Directors.
•Engages in two-way coordination with the General Manager as needed to ensure proper operation of the PSCA in a manner that serves its customers well and conforms to any applicable laws and regulations.
•Develops an agenda for each meeting of the PSCA Board, in coordination with the General Manager, and distributes the agenda and associated documents to Board Members in advance for review prior to the meeting.
•Presides over all meetings of the PSCA Board, normally, 3 to 5 times per year, primarily through teleconferences.
•Signs any contracts, deeds, mortgages, or other instruments which the PSCA Board has authorized to be executed, except in cases where PSCA Board has delegated such duties to some other officer or agent of the corporation, for example, to the General Manager.
•Collects and maintains completed conflict of interest statements from each Board member, as requested by the PSCA Board Chair and/or PSCA General Manager. Occurs once per calendar year.
•Reviews and approves invoices from the General Manager, generally on a monthly basis.
•Signs the annual PSCA tax return (IRS 990) as prepared by a hired tax accountant, coordinated by the General Manager, and reviewed by the PSCA Board.
•Takes responsibility to hire, terminate supervise and provide direction to the PSCA corporation’s employees, unless the PSCA Board has delegated those duties to an agent of the PSCA corporation. [These duties are currently delegated to, and performed by, the PSCA General Manager.]
•Performs all duties incident to the office of PSCA Board Chairman and such other duties as may be prescribed by the PSCA Board from time to time.
•Submit a mid-winter report to the IMSA International Board, through the Executive Director, and any other reports requested by the IMSA Executive Director or Board. Such reports shall be submitted to the IMSA Executive Director in electronic format.Reports shall be a summary of relevant committee accomplishments, meetings conducted and other pertinent information for the board. If there has been no activity within the committee, a report should still be submitted with a brief explanation of the reason for inactivity. The report should be submitted two weeks prior to the start of the board meeting.
•Virtual participation required for mid-winter meeting on an as needed basis
•Submit to the IMSA Board President any recommendations, or other items, that require action by the board. This should be done at least 30 days prior to the next Board meeting.
Qualifications / Expectations:
•Be at least twenty-one (21) years of age.
•Must be a Member of the PSCA Board.
•An overall knowledge of the private land mobile radio (PLMR) industry and general awareness of applicable Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules and frequency coordination requirements provides a helpful understanding for service on the PSCA Board.
•Interest in serving on the PSCA Board on a volunteer basis with no monetary compensation.
•Willingness to perform the duties of the PSCA Chair as delineated above under “Specific Responsibilities.”
•Ability to chair meetings of the PSCA Board effectively, generally following Robert’s Rules of Order guide to parliamentary procedure.
Association Support:
Term of Service/Time Commitment:
•A PSCA Board Member is elected by the PSCA Board to serve January 1 to December 31 for a one-year term as Chair of the PSCA Board. An IMSA representative serves as Chair of the PSCA Board every other year, and during those years, a representative of the FCCA serves as Vice-Chair. A representative of the FCCA serves as Chair of the PSCA Board in alternate years and during those years, a representative of IMSA serves as Vice-Chair.
•25-30 hours per year.
Association Staff and/or Board Liaison:
•Executive Director
Public Safety Coordination Associates Secretary
Responsible for maintaining and recording all meeting minutes related to the work of the PSCA.
Specific Responsibilities:
• Serves as an officer of the PSCA, a non-stock, non-profit corporation under Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue code.
• Serves as Custodian of PSCA corporate records.
• Participates in Meetings of the PSCA Board, 3 to 5 times per year, primarily through teleconferences.
• Sees that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of the PSCA Bylaws or as required by law.
• Records and keeps draft minutes for each meeting. Pre-coordinates draft with the General Manager for any recommended corrections or changes. Then distributes the draft minutes to the PSCA Board. While there is no set deadline, ideally, this should be done within a few days to a week following each meeting. Voting to approve the draft minutes occurs at the next meeting, not in response to distribution of the draft minutes.
• Performs other duties from time to time as may be assigned to the Secretary by the Chair of the PSCA Board.
Qualifications / Expectations:
• Be at least twenty-one (21) years of age.
• Must be a member of the PSCA Board of Directors.
• An overall knowledge of the private land mobile radio (PLMR) industry and general awareness of applicable Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules and frequency coordination requirements provides a helpful understanding for service on the PSCA Board.
• Interest in serving on the PSCA Board on a volunteer basis with no monetary compensation.
• Willingness to perform the duties of the PSCA Secretary as delineated above under “Specific Responsibilities.”
• Ability to take accurate notes for each meeting and develop succinct draft minutes from those notes in a timely manner.
Association Support:
• Zoom
Term of Service/Time Commitment:
• One year
• A PSCA Board Member is elected by the PSCA Board to serve January 1 to December 31 for a one-year term. The term is renewable upon voting by the Board and there are no limits on serving successive terms.
• About 12-15 hours per year.
Association Staff and/or Board Liaison:
• Communicates mostly with the PSCA General Manager and the PSCA Board Members.
• IMSA Executive Director
Scholarship Committee Chair
Responsible for representing and leading the committee in the review process of the scholarship applications for the IMSA Scholarship Program.
Specific Responsibilities:
•Provide a list of committee members to the Volunteer Services/Section Relations Coordinator.
•Create agendas for meetings or conference calls, and conduct any business or meetings of the Committee. Meeting notes and action items shall be recorded for subsequent meeting and future reports.
•Facilitate the review process of all submitted scholarship applications and determine qualification of nominees.
•Submit the scholarship nominee recommendations to the Board of Directors to be awarded including the dollar amounts to be given.
•Work with the Scholarship Committee to develop an ongoing review process for revising and developing criteria for scholarships awarded on an as needed basis.•Submit a mid-winter and annual report to the Board, through the Executive Director, and any other reports requested by the IMSA Executive Director or Board. Such reports shall be submitted to the IMSA Executive Director in electronic format. Reports shall be a summary of relevant committee accomplishments, meetings conducted and other pertinent information for the board. If there has been no activity within the committee, a report should still be submitted with a brief explanation of the reason for inactivity. These reports should be submitted two weeks prior to the start of each board meeting.
•Virtual participation required for mid-winter and the annual meeting on an as needed basis.
•Submit to the Board of Directors President any recommendations, or other items, that require action by the board. This should be done at least 30 days prior to the next Board meeting.
Qualifications / Expectations:
•Be an Active, Public Agency or Life Member of the Association.
•Have at least three – five years of experience in the field associated with the committee’s mission.
•Have at least three years’ experience in some leadership capacity,demonstrating strong organizational and communication skills.
•Be proficient with electronic communications and the use of web based media.
•Possess the ability to meet deadlines, and recognize the importance of being responsive to the needs of the Association.
•Be able to dedicate the time required to meet the responsibilities of this position.
•Notify the President of their acceptance or refusal of the appointment within thirty (30) days of appointment.
•If satisfactory progress and/or results are not being made by a committee,the President is empowered to remove the Chair of the Committee and appoint another Chair, with the approval of a majority of the Board.
•Each Committee Chairperson shall conduct themselves and the work of their Committee in such a manner as to bring respect, prestige and status to the Association.
•Abide by IMSA Code of Conduct.
•Shall not leverage their position for personal financial or political gain.
Association Support:
Term of Service/Time Commitment:
•One year
•Nov 1st – Oct 31st
•Will meet with the Scholarship Committee on an as needed basis depending on the application submissions.
Association Staff and/or Board Liaison:
•Executive Director
•President of the Board of Directors
Scholarship Committee General Member
Responsible for the review and selection process of the scholarship applications forthe IMSA Scholarship Program
Specific Responsibilities:
• Attend and participate in all meetings or conference calls.
• Participate in the review process of all submitted scholarship applications and determine qualification of nominees.
• Select the scholarship nominee recommendations to be submitted to the Board of Directors.
• Develop an ongoing review process for revising and developing criteria for scholarships awarded on an as needed basis.
• Submit to the Board of Directors President any recommendations, or other items, that require action by the board. This should be done at least 30 days prior to the next Board meeting.
Qualifications / Expectations:
• Be an Active, Public Agency or Life Member of the Association.
• Have at least three years’ experience in some leadership capacity, demonstrating strong organizational and communication skills.
• Be proficient with electronic communications and the use of web based media.
• Possess the ability to meet deadlines, and recognize the importance of being responsive to the needs of the Association.
• Be able to dedicate the time required to meet the responsibilities of this position.
• Notify the President of their acceptance or refusal of the appointment within thirty (30) days of appointment.
• Shall conduct themselves and the work of their committee in such a manner as to bring respect, prestige and status to the Association.
• Abide by IMSA Code of Conduct.
• Shall not leverage their position for personal financial or political gain.
Association Support:
• Zoom
Term of Service/Time Commitment:
• Two years
• Nov 1st – Oct 31st
• Will meet on an as needed basis depending on the application submissions.
Association Staff and/or Board Liaison:
•Executive Director
•President of the Board of Directors
Sustaining Exhibitor Advisory Group Chair
Responsible for representing and leading the Sustaining Exhibitor Advisory Group by encouraging communication between exhibitors and IMSA International.
Specific Responsibilities:
•Provide a list of committee members to the Volunteer Services/Section Relations Coordinator.
•Create agendas for meetings or conference calls, and conduct any business or meetings of the Committee. Meeting notes and action items shall be recorded for subsequent meeting and future reports.
•Submit a mid-winter and annual report to the Board, through the Executive Director, and any other reports requested by the IMSA Executive Director or Board. Such reports shall be submitted to the IMSA Executive Director in electronic format.Reports shall be a summary of relevant committee accomplishments, meetings conducted and other pertinent information for the board. If there has been no activity within the committee, a report should still be submitted with a brief explanation of the reason for inactivity. These reports should be submitted two weeks prior to the start of each board meeting. Virtual participation required for mid-winter and annual meeting.
•Submit to the Sustaining Section/Committee President any recommendations, or other items, that require action by the board. This should be done at least 30 days prior to the next IMSA Board meeting.
•Act as a resource to the Conference Manager and assist in the development of related activities on all aspects of the Annual Meeting Exhibition. This includes future locations, exhibitor sponsored events and assisting with Vendor Demos on exhibit show floor.
•Participate on the Technical Session Selection Group.
•Collaborate and work closely with the Sustaining Committee on Annual Forum and Expo initiatives.
•Actively promote the annual exhibition and the annual meeting.•Virtual participation on the mid-winter and annual board meeting on an as needed basis.
Qualifications / Expectations:
•Be an active Sustaining member exhibitor company which includes long term, short term, small and or large companies and inclusion of all IMSA technology interest areas.
•Have at least three – five years of experience in the field associated with the committee’s mission.
•Have at least three years’ experience in some leadership capacity,demonstrating strong organizational and communication skills.
•Be proficient with electronic communications and the use of web based media.
•Possess the ability to meet deadlines, and recognize the importance of being responsive to the needs of the Association.
•Be able to dedicate the time required to meet the responsibilities of this position.
•Notify the Sustaining Section President of their acceptance or refusal of the appointment within thirty (30) days of appointment.
•If satisfactory progress and/or results are not being made by a committee,the President is empowered to remove the Chair of the Committee and appoint another Chair, with the approval of a majority of the Board and SEAG members.
•Each Committee Chair shall conduct themselves and the work of their Committee in such a manner as to bring respect, prestige and status to the Association.
•Abide by IMSA Code of Conduct.•Shall not leverage their position for personal financial or political gain.
Association Support:
Term of Service/Time Commitment:
•One year upon selection at the Annual Forum and Expo.
•Meet virtually as necessary and would hold an in-person meeting during the Annual Forum and Expo at which time the leadership for the following year would be selected.
Association Staff and/or Board Liaison:
•Executive Director
•Director of Membership, Marketing and Services
Sustaining Exhibitor Advisory Group Co-Chair
Assists and supports the SEAG Chair in representing and leading the Sustaining Exhibitor Advisory Group by encouraging communication between exhibitors and IMSA International.
Specific Responsibilities:
• Create agendas for meetings or conference calls, and conductany business or meetings of the Committee if the Chair is unable to. Meeting
notes and action items shall be recorded for subsequent meeting and future reports.
• In collaboration with the SEAG Chair, submit a mid-winter and annual reportto the Board, through the Executive Director, and any other reports requested by the IMSA Executive Director or Board. Such reports shall be submitted to the IMSA Executive Director in electronic format. Reports shall be a summary of relevant committee accomplishments, meetings conducted and other pertinent information for the board. If there has been no activity within the committee, a report should still be submitted with a brief explanation of the reason for inactivity. These reports should be submitted two weeks prior to the start of each board meeting.
• Participate on the Technical Session Selection Group as needed.
• Assist the SEAG Chair with collaborating and working closely with the Sustaining Committee on Annual Forum and Expo initiatives.
• Actively promote the annual exhibition and the annual meeting.
• Virtual participation on the mid-winter and annual board meeting on an as needed basis.
Qualifications / Expectations:
•Be an active Sustaining member exhibitor company which includes long term, short term, small and or large companies and inclusion of all IMSA technology interest areas.
• Have at least three – five years of experience in the field associated with the committee’s mission.
• Have at least three years’ experience in some leadership capacity, 2 demonstrating strong organizational and communication skills.
• Be proficient with electronic communications and the use of web based media.
• Possess the ability to meet deadlines, and recognize the importance of being responsive to the needs of the Association.
• Be able to dedicate the time required to meet the responsibilities of this position.
• Notify the President of their acceptance or refusal of the appointment within thirty (30) days of appointment.
• Shall conduct themselves and the work of their committee in such a manner as to bring respect, prestige and status to the Association.
• Abide by IMSA Code of Conduct.
• Shall not leverage their position for personal financial or political gain.
Association Support:
• Zoom
Term of Service/Time Commitment:
• One year.
• Nov 1st – Oct 31st.
• Meet virtually once a month.
Association Staff and/or Board Liaison:
•Executive Director
•Director of Membership, Marketing and Services
Sustaining Exhibitor Advisory Group General Member
Encourages communication between exhibitors and IMSA International.
Specific Responsibilities:
• In collaboration with the SEAG Chair and Co-Chair, works with the IMSA International Office to assist with the Annual Forum and Expo initiatives.
• Attends all SEAG meetings.
• Actively participates in all SEAG meetings.
• Fosters relationships with current, new, and potential Sustaining members.
Qualifications / Expectations:
• Be an active Sustaining member exhibitor company which includes long term, short term, small and or large companies and inclusion of all IMSA technology interest areas.
• Be proficient with electronic communications and the use of web based media.
• Possess the ability to meet deadlines, and recognize the importance of being responsive to the needs of the Association.
• Be able to dedicate the time required to meet the responsibilities of this position.
• Notify the President of their acceptance or refusal of the appointment within thirty (30) days of appointment.
• Shall conduct themselves and the work of their committee in such a manner as to bring respect, prestige and status to the Association.
• Abide by IMSA Code of Conduct.
• Shall not leverage their position for personal financial or political gain.
Association Support:
• Zoom
Term of Service/Time Commitment:
• One year.
• Nov 1st – Oct 31st.
• Meet virtually once a month.
Association Staff and/or Board Liaison:
• Director of Membership, Marketing and Services
• Volunteer Services/Section Relations Coordinator
Sustaining Committee President
Responsible for representing and advocating on behalf of the Sustaining Membership and act as lead for the Sustaining Committee initiatives.
Specific Responsibilities:
•Preside over Sustaining meetings at the Annual Forum and Expo.
•Attend and represent the interests of the Sustaining membership at the Council of Delegates meetings.
•Facilitate communications between IMSA leadership, other IMSA sections and the members of the Sustaining Section.
•In collaboration with the Sustaining Committee foster relationships with current, new, and potential Sustaining members.
•In collaboration with the Sustaining Committee, work directly with the Sustaining Exhibitor Advisory Group to assist with the Annual Forum and Expo initiatives.
•Create agendas for meetings and conference calls and conduct any business or meetings of the Committee.
•Virtual participation on the mid-winter and annual board meeting on an as needed basis.
Qualifications / Expectations:
•Be an active Sustaining member
• Have at least three years of experience in the field associated with the committee’s mission.
•Have at least three years’ experience in some leadership capacity,demonstrating strong organizational and communication skills.
•Be proficient with electronic communications and the use of web based media.•Possess the ability to meet deadlines, and recognize the importance of being responsive to the needs of the Association.
•Be able to dedicate the time required to meet the responsibilities of this position.
•The Committee Chair shall conduct themselves and the work of their Committee in such a manner as to bring respect, prestige and status to the Association.
•Abide by IMSA Code of Conduct.
•Shall not leverage their position for personal financial or political gain.
Association Support:
•Assist with e-blast to the Sustaining Section.
Term of Service/Time Commitment:
•Two years
•Attend the Annual Meeting at the Annual Forum and Expo.
•Meet virtually two – three times a year with the COD as needed.
•Meet monthly with the Sustaining Exhibitor Advisory Group
Association Staff and/or Board Liaison:
•Executive Director
•Volunteer Services/Section Relations Coordinator
Sustaining Committee Vice President
Responsible for assisting and supporting the Sustaining President in representing and advocating on behalf of the Sustaining Membership and the Sustaining Committee initiatives.
Specific Responsibilities:
• Assist with overseeing the Sustaining meetings at the Annual Forum and Expo.
• Attend and represent the interests of the Sustaining membership at the Council of Delegates meetings if the President is unable to attend.
• Co-facilitate communications between IMSA leadership, other IMSA sections and the members of the Sustaining Section.
• In collaboration with the Sustaining Committee foster relationships with current, new, and potential Sustaining members.
• In collaboration with the Sustaining Committee, work directly with the Sustaining Exhibitor Advisory Group to assist with the Annual Forum and Expo initiatives.
• Create agendas for meetings and conference calls and conduct any business or meetings of the Committee when the President is unable to.
• Virtual participation on the mid-winter and annual board meeting on an as needed basis.
Qualifications / Expectations:
• Be an active Sustaining member
• Have at least three years of experience in the field associated with the committee’s mission.
• Have at least three years’ experience in some leadership capacity, demonstrating strong organizational and communication skills.
• Be proficient with electronic communications and the use of web based media.
• Possess the ability to meet deadlines, and recognize the importance of being responsive to the needs of the Association.
• Be able to dedicate the time required to meet the responsibilities of 2 this position.
• The Committee Vice President shall conduct themselves and the work of their Committee in such a manner as to bring respect, prestige and status to the Association.
• Abide by IMSA Code of Conduct.
• Shall not leverage their position for personal financial or political gain.
Association Support:
•Assist with e-blast to the Sustaining Section.
Term of Service/Time Commitment:
• Three years. First year as Sustaining Vice President and serving the second and third year as the Sustaining President.
• Nov 1st – Oct 31st.
• Attend the Annual Meeting at the Annual Forum and Expo.
• Meet virtually two – three times a year with the COD as needed.
• Meet monthly with the Sustaining Exhibitor Advisory Group
Association Staff and/or Board Liaison:
• Director of Membership, Marketing and Services
• Volunteer Services/Section Relations Coordinator
Sustaining Committee General Member
Responsible for representing and advocating on behalf of the Sustaining Membership and the Sustaining Committee initiatives.
Specific Responsibilities:
• Participates in the Sustaining meetings at the Annual Forum and Expo.
• Fosters relationships with current, new, and potential Sustaining members.
• In collaboration with the Sustaining President and Vice President, works with the Sustaining Exhibitor Advisory Group to assist with the Annual Forum and Expo initiatives.
• Attends and actively participates in all Sustaining Committee meetings.
Qualifications / Expectations:
• Be an active Sustaining member
• Be proficient with electronic communications and the use of web based media.
• Possess the ability to meet deadlines, and recognize the importance of being responsive to the needs of the Association.
• Be able to dedicate the time required to meet the responsibilities of this position.
• Shall conduct themselves and the work of the committee in such a manner as to bring respect, prestige and status to the Association.
• Abide by IMSA Code of Conduct.
• Shall not leverage their position for personal financial or political gain.
Association Support:
• Zoom
• Assist with e-blast to the Sustaining Section.
Term of Service/Time Commitment:
• One year.
• Nov 1st – Oct 31st.
• Attend the Annual Meeting at the Annual Forum and Expo.
• Meet virtually two – three times a year as needed.
Association Staff and/or Board Liaison:
• Director of Membership, Marketing and Services
• Volunteer Services/Section Relations Coordinator